WENA Spring Elections

We be held April 3, 2024 at the WENA General Membership Meeting

DeTurk Round Barn

Our Spring WENA meeting, April 3rd, is WENA election time. Each year we have open positions. In 2023 we had two resignations and one vacancy on the WENA board. The WENA Board appointed Norma Andersen, Katie Cramer and Paul Polling to these vacancies. Their positions are now up for election of the membership. All three plan to run for the board seats, but the positions are open for any other member(s) who are interested. The election was announced on March 13 and will stay open until the deadline for Intent Statements, noon April 1st.

Interested residents/members may submit intent for an open position by emailing a written statement of why they are interested and their qualifications. (No longer than one page.) Submit Intent Statements to Kevin Anderson, chair of the WENA Elections committee kevand8@gmail.com

Candidates who are seeking office must attend the WENA April 3 General Membership Meeting and be present for the election process. Candidates will receive WENA Election Guidelines when they submit Intent. Guidelines will be provided to members at the beginning of the April 3rd General Membership meeting or upon request. The process is what was used in 2023 but with specifics that addresses concerns that were raised.

The election will commence at 7:45 pm, starting with candidate statements. Specific times will be posted at the meeting, determined by the number of applicants. The tally of votes will be announced/posted before the end of the meeting, at 8:30 pm.

WENA Spring Elections

WENA Spring Elections

We be held April 3, 2024 at the WENA General Membership Meeting

DeTurk Round Barn

Our Spring WENA meeting, April 3rd, is WENA election time. Each year we have open positions. In 2023 we had two resignations and one vacancy on the WENA board. The WENA Board appointed Norma Andersen, Katie Cramer and Paul Polling to these vacancies. Their positions are now up for election of the membership. All three plan to run for the board seats, but the positions are open for any other member(s) who are interested. The election was announced on March 13 and will stay open until the deadline for Intent Statements, noon April 1st.

Interested residents/members may submit intent for an open position by emailing a written statement of why they are interested and their qualifications. (No longer than one page.) Submit Intent Statements to Kevin Anderson, chair of the WENA Elections committee kevand8@gmail.com

Candidates who are seeking office must attend the WENA April 3 General Membership Meeting and be present for the election process. Candidates will receive WENA Election Guidelines when they submit Intent. Guidelines will be provided to members at the beginning of the April 3rd General Membership meeting or upon request. The process is what was used in 2023 but with specifics that addresses concerns that were raised.

The election will commence at 7:45 pm, starting with candidate statements. Specific times will be posted at the meeting, determined by the number of applicants. The tally of votes will be announced/posted before the end of the meeting, at 8:30 pm.