Board will Vote to Modify Bylaws

to add the initials “S. R.” to the front of the name in order to comply with our official nonprofit filings. There are no other changes.

S. R. West End Neighborhood Association Constitution and By-Laws

The name of this association shall be the S. R. West End Neighborhood Association.
The purpose of this Association shall be:
● to provide input to city agencies regarding needs and desires of the West End Neighborhood
particularly in the areas of crime prevention, current or planned developments, historic preservation,
condition of streets, lighting, landscaping, etc. as directly impacts the West End Neighborhood;
● to continue to work to upgrade the quality of the West End Neighborhood and preservation of the
neighborhood environment
● to support and organize community-building events throughout the year
We are an equal opportunity Association and will strive to give every member of our diverse neighborhood
representation that reflects the makeup of our neighborhood
Voluntary membership dues shall be $10 annually, payable each March 1st.
Membership in this association shall be adult residents of the following geographical area: Beginning at the
southeast corner of the intersection of West Ninth Street and North Dutton Avenue, proceeding east along
the south side of West Ninth Street to the east side of the railroad tracks, north along the railroad tracks to
11th Street, then north on the west side of Cleveland Avenue to Lincoln Street, east along both side of
Lincoln Street to its end at Highway 101, south along the west side of Highway 101 to Davis Street and
Sixth Street, west along the north side of Sixth Street/West Sixth Street and including the parcel at 124
West Sixth Street on the southeast corner of West Sixth Street, south along both sides of Pierson Street, to
West Third Street, then north on the north side of Santa Rosa Creek to North Dutton Avenue, turning north
along the east side of North Dutton Avenue to the beginning point.
(see map below)

General neighborhood Association meetings will be held semiannually – March and November on the third
Thursday of said month.
The officers of this association shall be Members thereof and shall consist of a president, a vice-president, a
secretary, a treasurer and up to three additional directors. These officers shall constitute the board of
directors and shall perform all duties prescribed by the constitution.
All directors shall be elected to serve three year terms during the March annual meeting. All are eligible for
re-election. The terms will be staggered (each year, approximately 1/3 of the Board’s terms will expire).
Vacancies on the board of directors which are caused by a director leaving the board during their term may
be filled by the president, approved by the Board of directors during a Board meeting, and the person so
approved shall serve for the remainder of the unexpired term.
A nominating committee of three members shall be elected at a meeting of the board of directors each fall. It
shall be the duty of this committee to nominate candidates to be voted upon by the Members at the annual
meeting in March. Voting will be done by written ballot, with each Member present able to cast a vote. The
open positions will be filled by those receiving the most votes.

In order to represent a diversity of perspectives on the Board, the nominating committee, and the Members
voting to approve nominees, will strive to achieve diversity in these areas:
● Geographic diversity: Various parts of the West End, including north of 9th & east of Cleveland
● Socioeconomic diversity: Both resident homeowners, and long-term renters (more than one year)
● Racial/ethnic/gender/sexual orientation: Seek to have Board members reflect our neighborhood’s
● Life Stage diversity: Adults 55 or older and parent(s) of minor children
The Board of Directors shall conduct, control and manage the affairs of the Association, and will fill the officer
roles defined below. A complete record of its minutes and acts shall be kept. The Board shall meet at least
semi-annually in (Spring-February) and (Fall-October). The Board may call special meetings of the
Association or Board of Directors when necessary.
Directors who are not in attendance at more than three consecutive regular Board or Association meetings
shall be deemed to have left their office vacant. As such, that position shall be subject to the Vacancy
provisions above.
During national or regional emergencies the Board can choose to postpone, reschedule or cancel meetings,
and board terms of office may also be extended.

President: It shall be the duty of the president to preside over all meetings of the association and all meetings
of the board of directors; to appoint all committees; to act as or appoint a spokesperson for the association; to
sign, as president, all instruments of writing which have been approved by the board of directors.
Vice-President: The vice-president shall perform the duties of the president in the president’s absence or
inability to act.
Secretary: It shall be the duty of the secretary to keep a full and accurate record of the proceedings of the
association and of the directors.
Treasurer: It shall be the duty of the treasurer to receive and keep a record of all funds and expenses of the
association and sign all checks authorized by the board and make an annual financial report.

These by-laws may be amended at any board meeting of the Association that meets quorum (defined as ⅔ of
current Board members) by a ⅔ vote of those board members present, provided the amendment has been
submitted to the board of directors in writing at least one week prior to the meeting. The Board shall post the
proposed amendment to the Association’s website, and notify website subscribers, at least 3 days prior to that
Board meeting.

Board will Vote to Modify Bylaws

to add the initials “S. R.” to the front of the name in order to comply with our official nonprofit filings. There are no other changes.

S. R. West End Neighborhood Association Constitution and By-Laws

The name of this association shall be the S. R. West End Neighborhood Association.
The purpose of this Association shall be:
● to provide input to city agencies regarding needs and desires of the West End Neighborhood
particularly in the areas of crime prevention, current or planned developments, historic preservation,
condition of streets, lighting, landscaping, etc. as directly impacts the West End Neighborhood;
● to continue to work to upgrade the quality of the West End Neighborhood and preservation of the
neighborhood environment
● to support and organize community-building events throughout the year
We are an equal opportunity Association and will strive to give every member of our diverse neighborhood
representation that reflects the makeup of our neighborhood
Voluntary membership dues shall be $10 annually, payable each March 1st.
Membership in this association shall be adult residents of the following geographical area: Beginning at the
southeast corner of the intersection of West Ninth Street and North Dutton Avenue, proceeding east along
the south side of West Ninth Street to the east side of the railroad tracks, north along the railroad tracks to
11th Street, then north on the west side of Cleveland Avenue to Lincoln Street, east along both side of
Lincoln Street to its end at Highway 101, south along the west side of Highway 101 to Davis Street and
Sixth Street, west along the north side of Sixth Street/West Sixth Street and including the parcel at 124
West Sixth Street on the southeast corner of West Sixth Street, south along both sides of Pierson Street, to
West Third Street, then north on the north side of Santa Rosa Creek to North Dutton Avenue, turning north
along the east side of North Dutton Avenue to the beginning point.
(see map below)

General neighborhood Association meetings will be held semiannually – March and November on the third
Thursday of said month.
The officers of this association shall be Members thereof and shall consist of a president, a vice-president, a
secretary, a treasurer and up to three additional directors. These officers shall constitute the board of
directors and shall perform all duties prescribed by the constitution.
All directors shall be elected to serve three year terms during the March annual meeting. All are eligible for
re-election. The terms will be staggered (each year, approximately 1/3 of the Board’s terms will expire).
Vacancies on the board of directors which are caused by a director leaving the board during their term may
be filled by the president, approved by the Board of directors during a Board meeting, and the person so
approved shall serve for the remainder of the unexpired term.
A nominating committee of three members shall be elected at a meeting of the board of directors each fall. It
shall be the duty of this committee to nominate candidates to be voted upon by the Members at the annual
meeting in March. Voting will be done by written ballot, with each Member present able to cast a vote. The
open positions will be filled by those receiving the most votes.

In order to represent a diversity of perspectives on the Board, the nominating committee, and the Members
voting to approve nominees, will strive to achieve diversity in these areas:
● Geographic diversity: Various parts of the West End, including north of 9th & east of Cleveland
● Socioeconomic diversity: Both resident homeowners, and long-term renters (more than one year)
● Racial/ethnic/gender/sexual orientation: Seek to have Board members reflect our neighborhood’s
● Life Stage diversity: Adults 55 or older and parent(s) of minor children
The Board of Directors shall conduct, control and manage the affairs of the Association, and will fill the officer
roles defined below. A complete record of its minutes and acts shall be kept. The Board shall meet at least
semi-annually in (Spring-February) and (Fall-October). The Board may call special meetings of the
Association or Board of Directors when necessary.
Directors who are not in attendance at more than three consecutive regular Board or Association meetings
shall be deemed to have left their office vacant. As such, that position shall be subject to the Vacancy
provisions above.
During national or regional emergencies the Board can choose to postpone, reschedule or cancel meetings,
and board terms of office may also be extended.

President: It shall be the duty of the president to preside over all meetings of the association and all meetings
of the board of directors; to appoint all committees; to act as or appoint a spokesperson for the association; to
sign, as president, all instruments of writing which have been approved by the board of directors.
Vice-President: The vice-president shall perform the duties of the president in the president’s absence or
inability to act.
Secretary: It shall be the duty of the secretary to keep a full and accurate record of the proceedings of the
association and of the directors.
Treasurer: It shall be the duty of the treasurer to receive and keep a record of all funds and expenses of the
association and sign all checks authorized by the board and make an annual financial report.

These by-laws may be amended at any board meeting of the Association that meets quorum (defined as ⅔ of
current Board members) by a ⅔ vote of those board members present, provided the amendment has been
submitted to the board of directors in writing at least one week prior to the meeting. The Board shall post the
proposed amendment to the Association’s website, and notify website subscribers, at least 3 days prior to that
Board meeting.